Store Policies

Store policies

Special Orders:

For certain yarns we are able to accommodate special orders.  All special orders are non-returnable and require full payment at time of order.

One-Offs and Seconds:

These yarns come from a variety of sources and may be factory seconds, overstocks, mill ends etc.   Sometimes the type of fiber is known but sometimes it is not.  Therefore, purchases from these areas, unless otherwise marked are $0.95/oz, are purchased “As Is”, and are non-refundable/non-returnable.

Yarns marked as seconds are priced and are also non-refundable/non-returnable.



Class sizes are limited and available on a first-come/first-serve basis.

Payment in full is required to reserve a spot in any class.

Supply lists are available in the shop.

We cannot accommodate children or guests during classes.

Class fees are not refundable unless the class is cancelled by the store or if your spot is able to be filled by someone on a waiting list.


You will receive a 15% discount on class projects storewide the day of your class. (excluding sale items).



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